Manifest Changes With IChing

The IChing or Book of Oracles, Book of Wisdom, or Book of Changes is an ancient text dating back thousands of years. It was composed by four Chinese sages.

What is IChing?

The IChing or Book of Oracles, Book of Wisdom, or Book of Changes is an ancient text dating back thousands of years. It was composed by four Chinese sages – Confucius,Fu Xi, and  King Wen and Duke of Zhou which charts the flow of yin and yang energies. It also had a Taoist influence – a guide to rules and regulations of how to conduct yourself in this journey of life. This Book of Changes is considered holy and one needs a deep understanding to interpret the meanings and commentaries to enhance and improve their lives.

Through the millennia, the Book of Changes has been utilised for its divinity text which provides spiritual guidance and deep insight into aspects of life such as:

  • Love

  • Business

  • Health

  • Self-realization

  • Personal issues

The secrets of your destiny are revealed when you ask the right question/s. With the help of the hexagrams, your reading is interpreted helping you make important decisions in your life.


The Hexagrams


IChing is interpreted through 64 hexagrams.

Each hexagram has 6 lines and they can either be broken or unbroken. Each of this line carries an additional divine meaning and forms as part of the answer to the question put forward by a client.

Through each of these lines, broken and unbroken, the powers of the IChing are revealed. My method of reading includes the original meaning of your hexagram and the changes in the changing line which points to or indicates future possibilities, circumstances and future events.

When I conduct a reading, if there is no changing line in your primary hexagram, it indicates to me that your situation is stable at the moment.


What I Offer I Help You

  • IChing Reading

  • IChing Interpretation

  • Prepare Yearly Readings

  • Prepare Readings For Special Occasions

  • Realise you can change your destiny

  • Understand your IChing readings

  • Rewrite your narrative about life

  • Modify your lifestyle

  • Improve Work-Life Balance

  • Become motivated

My Approach:

IChing is a Chinese science. I have spent years learning and understanding it. I will distill the reading in the simplest form and present it to you so that you can interpret your readings easily and take action to make improved changes in the overall quality of your life.

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For an accurate reading, with deep insight and a road map to help you manifest the changes you desire, let’s connect today.