
“Each new day is like a blank canvas - you can choose to leave it blank with fear, inertia or procrastination, or fill it with beautiful colors of purpose, passion, love, and contribution.”

- Jiken Trivedi -


Seeker. Reader. Writer.

This space was designed to express what I feel and believe in. An interesting person I came across inspired me to write about Chance and Destiny. A conversation with a colleague led me to write about Choice and Alignment.

Life is inspiring. Even in adversity, there is always a reason; there is still a lesson to be learned. There is a bright side to everything if you develop a perspective to focus on the positive.


From Waking Up to Awakening©.

I hesitate to say these thoughts are mine as our thinking is shaped by people we meet, books we read, and most importantly, life experiences, both our own and of those in our surrounding.

Our mind does a fantastic job of assimilating all these collective experiences and thoughts. I have distilled these into short messages across these pages.

This first series centers around three themes –Life, Relationships, and Hope. We are all at different stages of our lives, and I welcome you to download what you need right now.

Enjoy Reading!