Foundation Of Relationships – Part 2
When it comes to love, it is best if it develops out of respect for each other rather than any other characteristics.
If you love someone because he/she is handsome/beautiful/sexy/rich - it doesn’t work for long. When you love a person, you admire/like certain internal qualities of that person irrespective of their appearance/status as those things will change any time. If you understand the difference between character and competence, it’ll be beneficial. Character is something inherent in a person, while competence is something that can be developed. It’s difficult to change the character of a person, but competence can be learned quickly.
An example is if the person is hardworking (character) even if fortune turns a trick on them, they can regain it. If he fails in one area, he’ll find another field/career (competence) and succeed. But if the person is lazy (character) no matter what tools we give them, they’ll fail. Even if we hire the best coaches for them, they can’t develop the necessary competence as they lack the basic character of working hard to achieve any goal.
Another fundamental concept relating to love is that a relationship (for that matter, everything) is an exchange of energy and information. Here, by energy, I mean positive and negative energy. When I refer to information, I am talking about thoughts/desires. You will naturally love the person who is on the same wavelength of your energy and thoughts/desires. When you say, “Oh I’ve seen this person, and I am instantly in love with this person even if my initial thinking or image about my life partner/ soulmate to be different!” this is the reason behind it. Possibly, that person’s energy and thoughts are at the same wavelength as yours.
Have you ever experienced the following?
You meet someone, and for no apparent reason you like that person, you feel energetic and happy in their presence.
In some cases, you meet someone, and you feel drained out, feel low, and feel like avoiding them.
That’s because the above concept of different energies is guiding you.
I’ll explain it with the following diagrams.
The above three diagrams represent different kind of energy combinations and explains why we feel love for certain person and hostile toward others for no apparent reason. Each circle represents two individuals and the overlapping of their energies occur whenever they come close to each other. As it works at a subconscious level, at times there is no physical contact or conversation required.
The first diagram is the most common energy mix we feel in our daily life. Most of us have a mix of positive and negative energies. So, we feel neutral or normal without much sense of emotions and can deal with people normally.
But sometimes you meet someone, say a true friend/lover/ leader in a business and you suddenly feel energetic, motivated and happy. That’s because his/her positive energies are matching with yours and affecting it. That's represented by the second set of circles.
And sometimes you come across someone and you feel like avoiding them, just say hi and keep the distance. That's the third set of circles. Their and your energy nodes are different or opposite that it signals your heart/brain and you feel uncomfortable.
If you can understand and start the practice of identifying these in people, it'll provide a guideline for love. The major challenge is that sometimes, the same person has different levels of energy and it interacts with your subconscious differently. So, it'll provide a clue that when the relationship is bonding strongly or breaking apart. Make sure you choose someone as your partner whose energies are in harmony with yours and you'll have an enriching and fulfilling relationship. But also, be conscious when the energies are going in different directions and even after you attempt to bring it back to the same level, there is no improvement, it's time to say goodbye.
Exercise: Understand the mechanics of energy in your daily life
You can do it with your business partner, life partner or close friend. Sit opposite that person and try to remember your childhood. Recall the time when you were just a kid and you were playing with your parents/ brother/sister and how secure/happy you were feeling. When you see them a sense of security and peace of mind surrounded you. Now do you feel the same when you are with this person? Can you achieve the same level of happiness and sense of security? If the answer is yes, you are among the few lucky ones who has the right type of person beside them.
Exercise: For those in intimate relationships
The physical relation is the ultimate test of merging of positive/negative energies. Do you feel down after making love to that person or you have a sense of fulfillment after that? If it's with the right type of person (+/+) you should feel fulfilled, energized and feel a deep connection. If you are with the following type: (+/- or -/-) you may feel guilt and down. You'll not be able to keep eye contact with that person and your body will not like to touch that person for a few minutes because it's an exchange of the wrong type of energy.